VPAZ - Production of Tools and Devices
The company V P A Z s.r.o. with its seat in Nádražní 804, Hulín 768 24, identification number 25842498, was registered in trade register of Ostrava Court, under file C, insert no. 21206 in August 30, 1999.
The main activity of the company is undertaking in the field of steel welding, machining and locksmithery. The company workshop is located inside the plant of company Tatra, a.s. - Areal Tatry, obj. 501, 74221 Koprivnice, Czech Republic.
The company name "V P A Z" means abbreviation of business plan on which basis was the company established. The abbreviation means following words in Czech language: Production, Tools and Devices.
We can divide company activities into three different main lines which are very well complementary.
1/ Field of middle seriál production as regards quantity but also as regards dimensions and weights of produced parts. This activity includes mostly welding, consequently machining and eventually painting, heating treatment etc. Providing of raw material and remaining inputs is obvious.
2/ Machining on horizontal drilling machines, verical turning lathes, lathes,milling machines and other machines.
3/ Production of non-serial steel parts – i.e komplex production including raw material providing, welding, heating treatments, machining, painting and assembly on the base of documentation (design) delivered by customers. We are also to provide design in cooperation with external design offices.. We have experiences with deliveries of vaious production tools, lifting equipments, machined castings or flanges etc.
We are able to manipulate parts with weight up to 20000 kg. Our equippment is able to machine parts parts with maximal dimensions approximately 7000x2500x2000 mm by milling and parts with maximal diameter 2500 mm in case of turning operations.
We have experiences with exports of such production into EU countries. We employ 25 employees and our annual turnover is 1,100,000,00 EUR. Quality management of the company was certified according to ISO 9001 standard.